Monday, February 3, 2014

Bad Cat News Roundup

-In a public library in New Mexico, motion-sensor alarms were going off night after night, leading to the theory that a homeless person was spending the night there, but hours of searching by the police turned up nothing. Then library staff found some clues: the dirt in potted plants had been dug up, and someone had apparently been marking his territory.

Video surveillance footage confirmed suspicions: the intruder was a cat. The feline was lured into a trap with salmon, and instead of being punished for the waste of public employee time and effort, he's been taken in by a woman on the library staff, who says she's a bit disappointed that it's all over: “We were like real detectives, doing stakeouts and setting traps. It was kind of exciting.”

-They tell you to keep your cat indoors because of it's risky for your pet and bad for the birds. But they never mention what it could bring home that's bad for you. I'll just put this link here for you to read if you're brave enough: I Caught Bubonic Plague From My Cat.

-This one is more Animal Behaving Bad-assly: A cat in California stepped into an illegal bear trap, which snapped shut on its foot. It then went home, dragging the trap all the way.

According to the vet who treated Scruffy free of charge, animals rarely survive being caught by these traps, and it's no wonder: "This one was big enough where, if a person stepped in it, it would have broken your ankle."  And while the feline might lose the leg, apparently he is not otherwise scarred by the experience: "He's bright, alert, happy, purring, and doing all the kitty things that he should be doing."

-Saving the biggest for last: A family in Chile were said to be surprised - uh, no kidding - when mom was making breakfast one morning and suddenly realized there was a puma in their kitchen. They quickly closed the door and called the police, who said that the puma (pictured above) was docile - although they still sedated it before capturing it, which took several tries because it kept removing the darts.

Since its behavior with humans suggests made them think it's probably someone's pet, police are now trying to find the owners. Once they get a lead, it'll probably be easy to prove if they're right - they'll be the ones whose house is torn apart like this family's kitchen was - check out the photos and video.

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